im sooooo sorry for not getting on. Ive been busy on flipanim and with life in general. my school just finished big testing and stuff. I wont be very active on drawn anymore ;w; if u ever want to contact me, you can add me on discord cuz im always on discord, my user is Bluberry OwO#3743
@TheMaineAnimator like father like son
@drumcat papa you fool c.tenor.comdrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator i call cap johnny media1.tenor.comTheMaineAnimator
@drumcat no papadrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator telling lies?TheMaineAnimator
@drumcat yes papa papadrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator johhny johnnyTheMaineAnimator
@drumcat why are you lyingdrumcat
i killed you in the collabdrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator dedTheMaineAnimator
were me🤔
@Blatzz okidont worry
your not the only one in pain :))))
@drumcat I can’t make music now <:( my left wrist hurts like hell sorry :(drumcat
@Plush @Blatzz Ooh nicePlush
thinking about animating my guy myself while waiting for bionicle rnBlatzz
I’m makin music rnBlatzz