"Goat People" Is just the English name, It is actually what the bledth translates into.
The Goat People are a strange and mysterious species, Mainly due to the fact of their unknown origin.
They Tend to be "Un-killable" In a sense. While they aren't immortal, they can survive almost anything.
This Is mainly due to the fact that instead of calcium, their bones are made out of a titanium alloy. That mixed with the fact that their entirety of vital organs are surrounded in their bones, makes them seemingly impenetrable.
But, The Goat people are well-known for their "party magic"
The reasoning it is called this is mainly due to the fact that:while they can use magic, it is highly unstable. DUe to this,overtime their magical energy that hasn't been discharged builds up. Whenever it starts to overflow, the goat person becomes an insomniac. they start to hallucinate monsters, usually resembling dead friends and family. after a while, their hallucinations become temporarily real, meaning that if they get caught: Their hallucinations will kill them.
Talk about a living nightmare.
(Still a W.I.P., feel free to give constructive criticism)
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