I would like to point this out ew.


Isnt that illegal? I was fucking skate boarding through the park and I see this gay ass lookin ass couple making out on a towel. I dont even know if those were shorts but they were fucking shirtless just making out on a towel. In a park. With people. They had a third wheel for crying out loud! At first I thought it was a wrestling match but then I realized its the same godamn couple that come out in beat up red nissan and just park get high and make out. Ngl its kinda wholesome but also dude. How do those lads feel comfertable making out in the open they got balls man.

  • Published August 24, 2020, 21:21
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Crap.
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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