apocalypse entry for @phinsilver


this.took.forever. i tried really hard to create the background,shading,and to make it actually make sense. the things in the back are goggles,a pipe,and a gun(i tried) my oc is wearing a mask/gas mask because she doesn't want to inhale anything dangerous and the goggles are to make sure she doesn't get anything in her eyes.she's wearing dark clothes because its easier to hide in the shadows with and the hood is so its harder to be bitten(it can also hold extra ammo for her gun) the pipe is for short range while the gun is long range. she's also just standing at the top of a building. (this is probably the best thing i've ever made before P u P)

  • Published April 01, 2020, 18:30
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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