Kiki & Some Facts abt Her

By bee

This is Kiki my AmongUs lass!!! Here are some stats for her gameplay and a few strengths and weaknesses ranked like a stat wheel (1-10): Crewmate -- Braincells: 7 Task-completionist: 9 Cautiousness: 10 Luck: 2 Remembering details: 8 Deduction: 5 Strengths: + She is very good at telling if someone is faking a task or is actually doing a task. + Goes full on bad cop when doing detective. Makes sure to have a safe alibi if someone wants to call her out on being the imposter when she knows she isn't. + Always reads back in chats and notes where people are going or coming from mentally. Weaknesses: - Has the worst of luck with getting killed. Most likely if a body isn't found before her she'll be the first out. Has the worst memories in O2 of getting killed 4 times in a row in one server. - Whenever she's accused, she gets very defensive and loud. She ends up looking even more sus defending herself and gets voted out - Sometimes if she doesn't prove herself trustworthy or if it's the beginning of the game, people deem her sus even if she has valid evidence. Then she gets pissy and they vote her out -- Imposter - Braincells: 5 Saboteur: 7 Trigger-happy: 2 Luck: 1 Sneakiness: 9 Deception: 7 Strengths: + Is always super cautious and makes sure if she's gonna kill someone, she doesn't get caught. Double triple checks everywhere and where everyone is before killing. + Can weasel her way out of being sus by sticking near people or merely killing while sabotaging is going on + She is calm whenever she is speaking and blaming others, but she tries to veer away from blame so it doesn't make her stand out. She only steps up when there are fewer people and participates more then Weaknesses: - Worst luck ever. Even with her sneakiness, she will always sabotage or kill at the wrong time and a group of people will walk in on her venting. People even guess when she's imp before she even kills anyone - Takes too long to kill. Usually crew ends up winning on tasks because she spends too much time being cautious asf. - When she's accused, its hard to have evidence that points the finger to other people. She's more focused on killing and sabotaging so she doesn't know much of what to say if someone says she's imp other than trying to find a fact to point the blame to someone else. -- Calculative < Impulsive Passive < Argumentative Group-oriented = Lone wolf Causes problems < Solves problems

  • Published October 16, 2020, 19:41
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in ocs
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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