@XEclipse criesilysmmom-- ahh i wanna ask Mason what his crime was,, since you had to do a crime and all for the horn's requirement shit. He is so sweet i dont see what he would do wrong akajkakakak--
@Kailey_Kat why did u do this to me I REALLY don't wanna kill either man but if I had to choose then MAYBE Eclipse but knowing her she'd come back so that's a plus
@TheNightblade hmmm it would have to be either Kailey_kat Anadroj-b-j Rotormoil Awkward_artist Beepis and more that i cant think of rn cuz im sleep deprived
@.brennende-Kerzen. Yes u may they love hugs especially Mason ow<<<<<<XEclipse
@_J_M_ :D??_J_M_
What do you think of a butterfly that is also a baguettesatansassgremlin
@XEclipse oh okXEclipse
@WolfHats hes 19satansassgremlin
@XEclipse oh well ok hmmm..... how old is mason?XEclipse
@WolfHats oof different question pls I'm not quite ready to answer that lmao sorry xDsatansassgremlin
*SMACC* im honestly curious what is ur nameXEclipse
@sandyBeepis he committed arson at a high security prison I'll make an origin story for him soon ;)bee
@XEclipse criesilysmmom--ahh i wanna ask Mason what his crime was,, since you had to do a crime and all for the horn's requirement shit. He is so sweet i dont see what he would do wrong akajkakakak--
@XEclipse lmao okayXEclipse
@Kailey_Kat why did u do this to me I REALLY don't wanna kill either man but if I had to choose then MAYBE Eclipse but knowing her she'd come back so that's a plusKailey_Kat
if u had to kill off one of the two sWEETIE BITCHES up there who would you choose? which would u want to keep?RANDOMGIRL4
@XEclipse yeet yusXEclipse
@RANDOMGIRL4 nyes for sure ow<RANDOMGIRL4
can i boop masonXEclipse
@TheNightblade hmmm it would have to be either Kailey_kat Anadroj-b-j Rotormoil Awkward_artist Beepis and more that i cant think of rn cuz im sleep deprivedNightblade
Who is your favorite artist/animator on drawn?XEclipse
@CagedRaven mmmmmmmXEclipse
@CagedRaven which one??