Ok, last night, as usual, I couldn't fall asleep. I think I was thinking about how I was so close to finishing the first part of Naruto. Anyways, somehow, one after the other, these memories came flooding back, and they were all about bathrooms and they were all random. I think I put them in order of when they happened, but I'm not sure exactly when because they happened when I was in K-2nd grade.
Memory one:
Ok, I just needed to go to the bathroom when our rude fat janitor told me to leave the restroom because he needed to finish cleaning, so I protested that I really needed to pee. I really didn't want to have an accident because I had peed myself two times in public before. Both because I couldn't make it to the restroom in time. He let me go pee, but it was awkward because I was just a little girl.
Second memory:
I lied to my friends a lot in my younger years before I moved and met my current friends. Anyways, I wanted to lie to them again, and I think I was in first grade. I took a pencil and scratched myself with it a whole lot, then I asked to go to the bathroom, washed the marks and they turned kinda pink. Anyways, I told my friends that I was attacked by a bear. Why? I have no idea, I think I just wanted to be cool or something. But what was most concerning about this story is I did self-harm... in 1st grade, not realizing that self-harm was bad or anything. I wasn't depressed, I just wanted to make it seem that I went on cool vacations with bear attacks.
Third memory:
This one I am definitely sure happened in 2nd grade because it was in our new building. (You had to be there for that last sentence to make sense)
Anyways, I always went to the bathroom in the morning. And, after that, I would keep my stall locked, crawl under all the other stall walls, and lock all the other stalls. Why? I guess I thought it would be funny. The teachers caught wind that someone was doing that, but they never figured out who. And at some point, I stopped because I didn't want to get in trouble.
This one happened this school year.
I have tech team every day during homeroom, which is at the end of the day for us. But that day I didn't because there was a sub for the tech class. I went back to my normal homeroom but I didn't see any of my homeroom classmates in there, so I just went into the bathroom and hid in the stall. I came out several times to check the time. Lots of people came in and out. Then I headed into the handicap stall. It was bigger and easier to hide in. Someone came in, went into a stall, and didn't come out. Eventually, the bell rang, so I got out of the stall, so did the other girl. Turns out another one of my friends where skipping class too! I am just glad that it was a friend and not a complete stranger, or I would have been in big trouble. No one found out and everything was fine, we went home and did other things. I WAS IN THE BATHROOM FOR A FULL 30 MINUTES! I WAS SO GLAD IT WAS OVER.
Anyways, here are my random stories.
Hehe, a little embarrassing.