I'm Scared


Hello, It's me, Box anon, and yes, this is another political post. And It's a long one. Let me clarify something right off the bat: I live in The United States, and I'm, personally, someone who leans economically right, libertarian, and I lean slightly more progressive. I wasn't a huge fan of the Biden administration originally, but, I kept my cool, and decided that it would be more likely that not much would change, and that, as long as he didn't do anything bad, I’d lay my worries to rest. However, This is, disappointingly, not the case. He’s trying to place national gun restrictions, Remove the fillabuster, at-least according to my knowledge. Now, for the first half, It’s more of my personal opinion that we should be allowed to own a firearm, for defensive purposes, and also keep our own government in check. Because yes, I think the government should fear being shot by the people it runs, so it doesn't get any tyrannical ideas. Atleast, that's the short and simple of it. What I have a HUGE Problem with is the Latter of what he’s doing. If you don't know what a fillabuster is, It’s where the senate denies a law proposed by the house, and the house has a vote to override the senate’s decision. I believe it currently takes 60 votes to have a successful fillabuster, meaning that it requires the house to have some form of comprise. The issue with removing it, Is that, If it still gives the house the ability to pass laws, then whatever party is in control of the house, can essentially pass legislation to the president, making the senate obsolete. On the other hand, if they remove the ability to veto the senate, then whoever is in control of the senate is in charge, and can just deny any bills being proposed. Making it far harder than it already is to pass laws when the senate and house have two different majorities leading them. Either way, It gives one office too much power, and can also allow for unwanted radical laws to be passed without the other party comprising. It creates a one-party system, and, historically, That's a massive red flag. And if you don't know what I'm referring to, I’m referring to how hitler rose to power. Because if one party can pass any laws they want without regards to opposition, who’s going to stop them from just taking total control? On top of this, Passing these laws would contribute to the already strong tensions, and, What I fear- but expect- could lead to assassinations, civil war, a government overthrow, and potentially more right-leaning states suceding from the union, Regardless of what US Law says. While I’d love to say that these are just my opinions, they aren't, as I see them more as what might happen if we keep spiraling down the path we’re on. Anywho, Have a wonderful today and tomorrow, and I genuinely hope we all come out safe from this.

  • Published March 24, 2021, 15:43
  • in The Swamp
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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