Perspective & In-betweens.

By Chargy

This is a second part from my 'How to do in-betweens' explaination, but more complex, you see, whenever you make an animation, you have to ALWAYS ask yourself; "Where am i seeing this from?" "Which angle should i see this from?" "What's your geometry?" "Is my POV circlying it or is it stable?", and thats because you NEED to know them before you do anything, it is FUNDAMENTAL to you, for instance, the door animation which i had to set lights. had sort of a chart where it would look like this, but way more ocmplicated, anyway, this is a perspective ruler, something that would compact 3 of the question's you'd need to do to yourself before drawing or animating anything, which would be; 'What angle; What Geometry; What source/Where does the light comes from, where it hits, and where it drops.', the Perspective Rules can pretty much SET everything to you, and let your life's way more easier. And to be fair, lets be honest here; whenever you try to draw without a rule or anything that you'd need to know to make it as much 'Clean to eye', it's going to be a mess, so please, PLEASE, DO N O T make anything that involves perspective or a Scenery, like, mountains and such, if you make them eye-naked, you'll end up with a mess, and eventually, you would need to remake everything up, but at the time of the day you'd just give up, so i beg you all who are watching this and actually UNDERSTAND the reasons on why im doing these, DONT DO DRAWINGS OR ANYTHING WITHOUT RULES! THEY ARE >>YOUR<< FRIENDS! and as always, this animation is continuable, so you can study the ways and pretty much what've i done on this.

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72the hecc im doing?
lazy tims