I have committed several war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Republic of Yemen, involving the use of chemical weaponry against civilians and civilian areas, as well as having committed unbiased ethnic cleansing of civilians through genocide. I have ordered several Houthi militia platoons and squadrons to place landmines in close vicinity to hospitals and several charity services working within the countries borders and I have ordered several times the acts of car bombings and Vehicular homicide, targeted against the civilian population of Yemen, I have been actively funding several sides in the Yemeni conflict for my own gain financially and personally, all these combined have given me 147 charges of manslaughter and 2nd degree murder. My goal in these endeavours was to establish a monopoly over the country funding multiple sides in the conflict to accumulate debt for said sides, in which they will owe me back in interest rates, gaining me a financial profit. I am currently residing in Geneva, Switzerland. To be put in an international holding cell for war criminals until my court date is known.