uh guys

By Naniac

i know its pretty sad, but lets just try to be happy maybe? i know im not the best person to help you guys or help you on venting but i just want you guys to be happy i wish i could just hug yall right now and stuff,, i just wanna make everyone in drawn feel better since everyones pretty much venting because of kailey or of a personal problem i know i cant help much but uhm yeah uhm lets just try to help eachother get our feelings out and become a better community i guess im actually not sure where im going with this i just want yall to nOT BE SAD BECAUSE IT HEAVILY MAKES ME SAD AND UH YEAH i mean yall can vent all you want, no worries but like honestly lifes rough... i get it.. we all do but lets just calm down,, we have a whole small community over here, we can help eachother, give advice on how to solve our personal problems we can all help

  • Published May 16, 2019, 18:16
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Other Stuff
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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