HEY! so about the SMP

By _J_M_

We got three options.
1: It's a world that I play on. downside to this is I'm always online, and when I'm not able to be online, no one can play.
Upsides: It's really easy to do, and I can just AFK in the game all day, though no guarantees The server will stay up.
2: I open a realm. Downside to this is that It wouldn't be me who actually owns the realm, and it's going to take untill I get a job (Hopefully sometime this year) till it happens. Upsides are that it's always online, and we can have mods installed(Such as an origins mod){And no, you won't have to have the mid downloaded before joining, it'll just ask you to download it's resource pack, and it'll work. Because that's how bedrock edition works}
3: We have my friend open the world. Downsides: that man is always online, and He isn't as active as I am. Upsides are that we can put mods on the server.
So, which do y'all prefer?
BTW, the smp will be minecraft bedrock, and if you end up playing it, feel free to make a recording of it.

  • Published Published April 22, 2021, 05:42
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Crap posts
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 4

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dawww he's so cute!!! I love him!


@ClaytonR thanks, I've had him for a while now.