I feel like no one really cares about me anymore I don't know why I'm venting on this site,since no one really knows me, they know I exist, but they don't really care Anyways. I've felt like people I want to talk to don't want to talk to me, I feel like they actually don't like my presence, maybe I'm too annoying? maybe they just have better things to do? None of them start a conversation, maybe they just don't feel like it? Maybe they're scared? But I doubt it They probably just don't like me to be honest. I wish I could make new friends on toon or on here, but nobody seems to care. If you're new, no one cares about you on toon If you want to talk to someone They don't care Making friends on toon is impossible for me On flipanim, not as hard, but they're all mostly fake. here? Still hard, i've never made a friend here. There's only one person that is my friend, and they're online friends with me. I also seem to fall in love with a bunch of people at the same time, witch is weird since I don't really know what love feels like, I just get a weird feeling of possessiveness over someone, and get jelous when they get happier while talking to other people. Welp, bye I guess.