Salty FlipAnim users...


First off, for your information. People from FlipAnim calling this place a rip off of FlipAnim, I’ll have you know that toon has been around longer than FlipAnim ( I hope that’s correct ) and drawn was made for the same reason FlipAnim and Toon were created, so then people who love to draw or animate or do both can interact with other people of the same interests. And to the anonymous that said when he’s getting an account he will bother every FlipAnim user back to FlipAnim. Lemme tell you something... You can suck my lesbian ass, cause i know for a fact that’s not gonna happen, most likely because you present your self like a 7 year old child who plays Roblox (even though the app isn’t bad but eh) plus there are tons of people who try to remake a famous game, like fortnight, and overwatch , those are copies of original games. So salty FlipAnim users stop being bicthes and get your act together

  • Published November 03, 2018, 20:33
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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