I live, sorry for being inactive. Alot of stuff goin on atm My secret santa thing might be a bit late- but imma try and get it done on time
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@Hell_House i feel fearHell_House
@X ... making a new story i s e eHell_House
also i gotta say this was absolutely greatHell_House
i have a childscottishunicorn
*plots evil comeback*PhinSilver
also, forgot to say this, but like, gayskootRus
F- I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA KISS >;((((((((((AnonymousTiger
@X it felt like you were screaming through the computerPop
@X yea ;pX
@poppliotube oh lmaoPop
@X lol, this was for all the effort you did for ALL the tribute stuff. xDManiac
This was a pretty great story!PhinSilver
@X hell yaX
@PhinSilver ArchitecturePhinSilver
@X yes. also, is ace basically just a maid, or are they like, doing renovations and architecture stuff??X
@PhinSilver XD surePhinSilver
@X good!! you're a freaking awesome writer!!PhinSilver
no.it was so good!!
@PhinSilver lmao im making a new story right nowPhinSilver
its overPhinSilver
oh my god.X
@poppliotube WTF brandon, this doesent deserve a trophyGh.0.stLee
then why did you not put me in the NOTICEPop
@beb000 no XD u retiredGh.0.stLee
am i ded biachBloopzafosh
@poppliotube @RazzyIsHere @Hell_House @PiNeaple2 @Crisp @PhinSilver @Paranormal_Dumbass @AnonymousTiger5 @BloopZaFosh @FenderBender @HyperSnivy