totally a real thing that happened


Jevil: Hey dimentio, Dimentio: sshshs dude come here Jevil: what? Dimentio: are you gay? Jevil: no- Dimentio: do you have a girl friend? Jevil: yeah, she's, uhm dimentio are you okay? Dimentio: okay dude, your gay Jevil: what how Dimentio: we are all gay, your gf, she was a baby yeah? Jevil: uh yeah Dimentio; and that baby was her dads sperm, so, you like her dad's jizz Jevil: . . . omg Dimentio: Exactly Jevil: how many people know? Dimentio: just you and me, no one else *knocking on the door, FBI OPEN UP * Jevil/Dimentio: *screams*

  • Published May 24, 2019, 20:58
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in shitposts
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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