Two gay wolves my girlfriend and I created :3 . Shadow is on the left (he is hers) and Ash is on the right (he is mine) :3c . Please remember to be kind this month! Nobody is harming anyone else just because they are unique <:}
I'm still trans and hoping to start t in about 3 or 4 years, since I'll be 20 in a literal month ;;;w;;; . I'm back to being bi, lol-- my girlfriend is pan,, so I decided to give our wolves those flags behind them hehe.
Love is love, and that should not be a crime. A song her and I both love, written by TOP cuz we now both fan over them lol:
aw sorry to heart about thatPop
@Bruizer np :)Frøsty
@poppliotube not harsh at all, and thank you for that/ understanding. I'm just not sure my mom WILL listen though due to her stubbornness over specific subjects... such as that 0/0 .I don't think I'm going to converse over it though, cuz I'm a very emotional bean ^^" ... but I'll just... avoid it lol. Such as sargey said, she could've been teasing... that wasn't a tease at all :'')))... thanks again uvu""
I don't mean to be rude, but everyone goes through this, at some time in there life, it's not okay. Not to deminish your feelings, I'm saying I understand.Pop
I know that people can be harsh sometimes, more times with others. It's best to try to ignore her, I know it's not easy, I have a hard time with people poking at me, and me not getting angery, I know. Do the best you can, that's all you can do. talk to her about it, even if you already have, then keep doing it. She'll either understand or never will. So the only thing you can do is try. I know this might not be much help, telling you to basically suck it up, I don't mean it that way. I'd say if she really doesn't get it, after one more talk, then she doesn't deserve to be anyone you have a relationship with, aka your mom.Sargey96
if u need to u can talk to meSargey96
well idk then XD srry to hear that buddo *hugs*Frøsty
@Sargey96 no, she was being serious. She's been rude since October.Sargey96
i think she is trying to joke with u