drawn is a blatant rip off of toonator that was only created to be a cash grab. And to the people saying, "wahhhhh wahhh why don't you make your own art website!" No. fuck off. please fuck off. disaster pretty much encouraged everybody to move away from toon aswell. her animations had so much more quality to them. animations on toon had so much better quality and they still do. drawn is a low peice of shit with shitty servers. it takes forever for long animations to load. (atleast toon can do that!) copied and pasted the UI and reversed it, copied the sections, ate it, and shat it out onto the internet. This website's aren't hard to make! The hardest part is the editor, the problem is the money. it's around 1000 dollars to get a website up or more or less, but why was drawn made? cash grab. why was toon made? because around 10 years ago, some friends were coding or something and thought, "hey let's make an art website," and now it's here. drawn was made so this bastard could just make money. it's play to make something that makes money, but to strip away someones website they worked hard on? scummy move. so yes. FUCK DRAWN.

  • Published August 07, 2020, 12:57
  • in Anonymous
  • is not continuable by others
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