SOOOOOOOOOOOO I found an easter egg on how to get kions. I AM NOT going to tell you because that would spoil the fun (and ClaytonR would get mad at me). Be on the look out!!! BTW It says 100, not 700
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
@AmbrayGraceMd23 okAmbrayGraceMd23
@kawaii_melon ok...;-;lk_draws
@AmbrayGraceMd23 okAmbrayGraceMd23
@kawaii_melon -____- oklk_draws
@AmbrayGraceMd23 yus, i DID have to gift it to meAmbrayGraceMd23
@kawaii_melon You didnt have to gift your so meh tho...........lk_draws
boi. you didnt have to gift it to me