(contest entry) Groinx


#disasterscontest1 I chose to do the ref traditionally so heres the linkadoodle: https://imgur.com/a/N3xtjjt (sorry for the janky setup aawaoahsd) anyways! heres my lovely species, Groinx. Groinx are adventurous and vagrant species, which means they never live in one singular place. they scale galaxies, living on countless planets. every time they visit a planet, they gain an eye somewhere on their body. the more eyes you have, the more respect you gain from other Groinx in your cluster. Groinx are all typically gentle and passive creatures, but there are a few who let their eye count get to their head. most Groinx are very vulnerable and weak, but typically the ones with more eyes live longer as they can see from more angles around them. their fur is usually hunted for sport on planets that inhabit advanced creatures; which is why they travel in massive groups. if a Groinx is injured, 9 times out of 10 they'll be left to perish into a hardened rock-like statue, mostly because of their constant travel and reproduction rate. so it doesn't bother most if one or two die every now and again. all Groinx look the same, color wise, but the eye count varies. over time, a Groinx's body will slowly stiffen and harden into a rock-ish texture. at any second of any time, an older Groinx could freeze mid-travel and never move again. at birth, all Groinx are assigned a symbol, and that symbol assigns them to a group they will travel with for the rest of their lives. when threatened, they will self-detonate (like a shaken soda bottle) under any circumstance. their guts contain a fast working toxin to poison the thing threatening them on impact. it kills the threat, but the Groinx also dies from this. anyways thats all I could think of, feel free to ask me questions, I will make it all up as I go. eh e h

  • Published April 17, 2020, 23:08
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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