

IM TRYING SO HARD TO LEARN HOW TO DRAW FACES AND ITS REALLY HARD . i feel like ive wasted so much time on my art journey drawing stupid dogs and stupid animal people and im not even that good at that to justify not being good at other things like human faces and ..idk... side profiles . and noses. and hands. . i am somehow actually just bad at drawing everything but im mediocre at drawing STUPID DOG PEOPLEso i can act like im A GOOD ARTSISTS but now im trying to draw noses and itmakes me so mad i cry !!!!!!!!! ITS SO HAERD. TO DRAW. PEOPLE.!!!!!!! ITS SO HARD TO DRAW. WHY AM I SO BAD AT THIS!!!!!!!! ITS SO UGLY IT MAKES ME SO MAD AAAGH. knowing what human faces look like and knowing everything i draw is WRONG but not knowing HOW to fix it is the worst i feel like im trying to swim in quicksand or something im DYING . IM REGISTERED TO VOTE AND I CANT DRAW A SEMI REALISTIC FACE TO SAVE MY LIFE . IVE WAASTED MY LIFE!!!!!!!!! ITS OVER!!!!!!! I SHOULDVE STUDIED COMPOSITION OR TAKEN AN ART CLASS BUT INSTEAD IVE BEEN DRAWING FURRIESSSS AND THEYRE NOT EVEN GOOD FURRIES I DONT EVEN LIKE DRAWING I DONT EVEN LIKE SHAPES AND COLORS THEY MAKE ME ANGRY IM JUST AVERAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i tried to draw a side profile using a reference and it was ALL WRONG AND I DIDNT KNOW WHY !!! I WATCHED AN ART TUTORIAL AND IT MADE ME FEEL STUPID !!!!! I KNOW HOW TO DO THIS !!!!!! I KNOW HOW TO DRAW PICTURES !!!!!!!!!!BUT I DONT!!!!!!!!! ok im fine now . im gonna go back to practicing . i just needed to get this off mychest ^_^ um um um um um um um

  • Published October 22, 2024, 22:47
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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