Shawty like a melody


Just something random. Oooooo yall wanna hear this dream i had?? Mk so i dremt i was in this sifi fantasy world and there was this bridge thing that lead all the way up to a cliff, and also it was foggy as hell in my dream. Anyways i decided to climb up and at the top i found this black house. Like everything looked like it was lit on fire and left to burn. So im like "yeahh lets go in this house and see what unholy things my brain comes up with". I enter the house and its all black in there, i head up to the attic cuz thats just the most holy place in a fuckin house. I enter the attic and i see this.....girl and she had a puppet on her hand. So she preforms ventriloquism and as the puppet speaks it starts to rot off her hand and as i see its face and body rot and wither away, its voice became hella creepy and horrifying as its apparent voice box was rotting away with it. Then i woke up

  • Published March 01, 2019, 08:19
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Unholyness
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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