andromeda's backstory thing ig


{its a W.I.P so ill probably be changing this a lot} Andromeda... youve probably heard of that name in legends... or not.... maybe a song name... but this ones different, this andromeda is a demon stuck in a specific kind of Ouija board. Toraq, a VERY rich man, decided to risk his life by playing with that board, and as you couldve guessed, it didnt end too well. He had a daughter who was into VERY satanic things, so he decided to buy that ouija board for her room. He one day got bored and got curious to see how those boards worked, this board was called "The Andromeda Affect" or... thats what it was called on the box. it read "To play this game, you must be willing to sacrifice your life. Theres a low chance that he may not be summoned. If you summon him, you will quite literally lose your head. there are 2 other boards after this one, if you do not summon him on this one, go and look for the other 2, if you summon him, then you've put your whole world at risk." being the bastard that he is, he went and used it. nothing happened, so he put it back and was being cocky to his daughter about the board. A week later, Toraq became seriously ill. a green-like spotted mark began sparking on his neck. it got worse and worse every single day, until finally, his head.. was gone. a lifeless body sitting there and not even his daughter noticed, until finally... the one and only... andromeda.
He took over his body, his triangle head floating above the now blue neck
sacrificed his daughter to get the other 2 boards
supreme leader
so on and so on
thats all im gonna explain, i wont say how he met max because its kinda dark dsfkfdjhkfdj rugs is with max toO

  • Published Published April 11, 2019, 13:10
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in honk honk
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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