Meet the Overruler

By bee

He is going to take my place in the story so instead of having a self insert, so now we got this dude. He has no name other than the Overruler. Angel C is like his unofficial body guard and he's the one who banished Beepis to the Transport Void. He isn't heartless but he doesn't like what Beepis wants to do (pretty much overrule his system and make it his so he can control who does what and what is happening. P much become the said "God" of their universe), so he tries to stop him. He shows up only a few times near the falling action and climax afhkdhdfakj other than that he's kinda irrelevant the whole time. --- Fun Facts about this moron: 1. Ceaser based his hairstyle off of him since he looks up to him as a ruler and person a lot. The Overruler likes to tease him about it, but he's honestly flattered. 2. The Overruler is,, really stick skinny under his huge robe. He usually wears a black jumpsuit under his coat, sometimes he'll wear something different if he's feeling cozy, but usually he won't. 3. He almost never takes off the mask. 4. He knows he can summon things for himself (in the comfort of his "Headquarters" only, of course) but he refuses to indulge in the lavishes of life down on earth...or so he says. He has a guilty pleasure of summoning jewels and rare metals and bedazzling his coat and pendants in his spare time (Only Ceaser has seen him bedazzling himself. He was forced to vow to never speak of it).

  • Published December 12, 2019, 18:16
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in ocs
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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