Thank all of you for your support, i there though in a life time i'd gain such a following, sure, my number may seem small, but to me, IT'S THE BIGGEST NUMBER IN THE WORD. not to mention all the love, and favs i get! I'm glad to have such great fans than enjoy what i do! I even made some new friend along the way. and people who i saw big, and still do, have notice my work. which i cannot express how much that means to me. To have all of you notice my work! And the support i get from my animation ARS, to the #TheFiles to the new comic i'm working on! I'm so glad all of you enjoy it. i never though i'd reach this far but yet here i am. Once again Thank you all for staying there by me. and liking my shit lmao! Have a very very pleasant and good DAY! From your's truly, The_Creator! You'll be seeing more from me....VERY SOON =)