

we should probably try to develop the lore, backstories and story for drawnstuck, just saying. also, few things that I have to mention - The planet the trolls live on is called Alternia -1 troll year is equal to 2.5 human years -Trolls get sent off planet when they reach about 10 troll years old -Trolls have no sexual preference and there is no suck thing as straight or gay or any label because they find it dumb -Trolls do have polyamory {example: having 2 moirails} but it is very frowned upon - Trolls have things called a lusus, a lusus is basically an animal hybrid that works as a parental figure for the troll - All animals on Alternia are hybrids, cant have a regular species here. - All fuchsia bloods are basically the ruler of the planet and are raised by robot drones and the command fleets of starships and basically are evil big bads of space or not if you want to be nice. and yeah I will probably say more things but as of now i cant remember anything else and its early so i dont want to do research this early

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ok so
ok so
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Rinter log #3