Rant about a *certain* user

By Frost

So, the 24th of February is going to be my one year on Drawn date but I noticed someone in particular is back. I'm triggered, and really pissed off that @Val was banned but made another account I blocked "him" or whatever it is on both of their accounts. I'm not going to let some little jerk ruin my time and experience on a website where you just come to draw and say hi to friends. What's up with trans they Wonder? Well I'll tell you Buster boy, we choose who we want to be you should not be able to think you can control us. You should not be a homophobe first of all buddy boy, because that shows that you're a jackass. And you know what I read your new biography b****. @red_nose doesn't deserve to be pointed out. Neither does any other trans,gay ,lesbian or whatever they are. F*** off. I don't think anyone should be disrespected. I don't even care I will tell you off. I will tell Clayton how are you treating people and that you should be banned from ever ever coming back here. I do not want to log on and see how you treat people because that pisses me off. Val whoever you really are, you sure are a fake. Sorry to write guys but this guy or whatever this thing is, is not human they're definitely a monster. Tearing through our joy with their Darkness. I don't know when I'll be back guys but, it's always good to come here and draw. I'll be probably back on the 24th specifically to do a little animation or something LOL bye. EDIT: he told me I act 13 and nobody knows who I am.. you're wrong @val all the f***ing way wrong.

  • Published February 21, 2020, 14:09
  • in Kiddie Pool
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