vangle and shadow


But both of you stop this drama now. @Meow_Wolf_Life @ShadowWolf06 1. Shadow, cheating is very wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself, when you date someone, you are supposed to love and cherish them for as long as you are both in love, if you fall in love with another person, then just break up with vangle and say that you aren't interested in her anymore. NOT CHEAT. 2. vangle, please do not hack people for silly reasons, so what if shadow is a big dum dum. Go find someone whos right for you, I know you can :) both of you we're in the wrong, id suggest you stop making posts about it and just ignore each other from now on. Please do not take personal business into public, leave that to the dms. it's better that way but if either person sends a threat or anything, then you can make it public and ask for help.

  • Published September 07, 2020, 22:07
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in 5) 2020
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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