I love how my pastimes

By _J_M_

Are me watching people melt things, burn things, or explode things, or it's me doing them myself. And then there’s the nerdy stuff. So, here’s a list of youtubers I recommend Metal Melting: bigstackD Casting Chemistry stuff: Red Nile Genetic engineering and other cool science stuff: Thought emporium RC stuff/ Intelligently designed stupid things: Peter Stripol Chaotically intelligently designed stupid things: William Osmand Robotics Crackhead: Micheal Reeves Chaotic and done just because it could be: The Backyard Scientist Smithery/building stuff: Alec Steele Item restoration: Odd tinkering Stupid Stuff that I see myself doing: Offical Duck Studios Woodturning: R Humphrey Physics Nonsense: Steve Mould LASERS: Styropyro Generally interesting stuff: Veritasium And that's all I got for now.

  • Published May 05, 2021, 21:48
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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