I was a careless sonuvabitch...


so i was in school...at the age of 8...sitting in my chair waiting for the bell to ring so i could go home and watch tv at that time i was never introduced to a video game yet so the only source of entertainment for me is tv and not just any tv im talking about the old tv that looks like a box theres a lot of old cartoons there and a lot of them is really fun to watch especially spongebob 5 minutes later the bell rings everybody is going home with their parents except me... sometimes my dad is always late to pick me up because of work but that doesn't bother me since that happens a lot but this time this particular time...is longer than before i was sitting there for a whole 30 mins and my dad is still nowhere to be found when something like this happens i always gets worried because i don't know what to do but just sit there if i know where i live at that time i could've walked my way home then suddenly a stranger in a car calling at me trying to get my attention i walked to him and he said "are you lost?" and i said "no im just waiting for my dad to come pick me up but he is still not here" "I'll drive you home,come on"he said and my answer is "really?" and then he said "yea lets go,hop in" so i got in his car and he starts driving "where do you live"he said "i live at **********" i said to him and so he takes me home the good thing is nothing bad happend but the bad thing is i got scolded by my mom because of how careless i was then my mom called my dad he comes home mad so i got double scolded it was a really dumb thing to do but gladly i am safe things could've turn really ugly if it was the opposite if that happened i am not gonna be here writing this story so let this be a lesson to all of you don't get into a strangers car even when the person is nice to you they do it to take advantage of you so they could take you away

  • Published June 08, 2022, 11:17
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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