Mugman!! (Desc.) πŸ’™


HELLO!!!!! I’m still alive, SURPRISE! 😁 UM- I haven’t posted anything cus I’ve been working on college stuff, went on vacation with my family, and also cus I had a moment with ARtbLoCK!!! So ya know! πŸ’€ But uhhh yeah, have a dumb Mugman doodle cus he is silly, I love him, and the new DLC came out recently! :D Erm, once I actually make some art I’d like to share, I’ll make sure to give you guys an art dump! ARtblock got me like πŸ§πŸ’€ but I think I’m finally getting out of it haha πŸ˜… Anyway, for now, peace! I’ll see you guys later! YIPEE! ✌️

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