oh how it hurts to see you sad..


please, don't be sad.
let me be sad. ill be sad for you.
and when you hate me, and when Im gone..
d o n t
f o r g e t
m e . .
p l e a s e . .

  • Published Published October 28, 2018, 00:56
  • Location in Still Waters
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 4

You gotta have an account (and be logged in) to add comments. I know: bummer, right?


I think crushes are something you don't get off of a wim, or at least for me. Ik I've had 3, In which I've confessed ta 2 people, both I don't contact anymore- but still I never told the third, so yeah. Also phones are over rated ;p

Also I hope your crush is a good person uwu
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@RainbowWolfie you don't get to know. mostly bc I have no idea what gender they are rn.