Why do I procrastinate so much..
I barely have any self control, I never stop myself in time and always end up super stressed at the last minutes when something is due.
God dammit I hate how I procrastinate... It's gotten so extreme to the point that I would leave all my work literally until the last hour to do.
I'm so helpless right now, I can't help pull myself out of this mess. I'm stressed ;-;
You understand right? Those moments in your life when you genuinely don't know what to do anymore, you are just stuck, and by not doing anything, you're getting yourself more stuck.
Anyways I'm going to keep this short. I have a speech tmr for English class and I haven't practiced a single bit. I'm a terrible public speaker with a ton of social anxiety so I'm not sure if I can make it through the speech without breaking down in the middle of my speech. Every time I get on some sort of stage, my brain has a 50% chance of blanking out, and let that be 90% without any practice. I just seem to forget everything and anything!
I have a headache
I've got a cold
I can't feel my nose
I have a speech tmr
I'm tired
My body is sore from a PE test
My brain has abandoned me
My fingers are numb
I still have to work on my speech ;-;
Sorry if I'm rambling I'm typing nonstop while eating because I'm a big stress eater ._. It's midnight and I'm all tired... I feel like both my physical and mental health is dying lol.
damnn i missed uHearthrillex
sick as shit