Okay....So here my first contest in Drawn!
(yes,im already do contest in toon lol)
This contest it is about to make your character into a cat!
1- Do not copy,if your oc have the colors like purple or yellow,do not copy the others oc than it have a pink color or another! (IS YOUR OC LIKE A CAT,nothing more)
2-Can be animation,can be only a draw.
3-Meow (joke xd).
contest final date:: 20/10/2020 (twenty of October)
first place:: 1 fanart whit very colors (probably animation,idk)
second place: 1 fanart whitout colors.
tird place: scribble.
Have fun!
oh boy the tangents of cody return!DaleksOfSkaro
@abcdceese or just, dont have anyone's sexuality a parade, like i really dont get it, if someones gay whoopie, good for them, they didnt have a choice. If someones straight, whoopie, once again, good for them, they didnt have a choice. Just make everyone equal, if people want discrimination to stop, maybe we just shouldnt treat anyone different, ex giving them fucking parades, cause all that does is go "Look at me, im more special than you" this is why im an equaltarian lmfao, everyone should just be who they are, and everyone should just leave everyone else alone, no special things, means no one is envious. OR if people wanna keep their special things, make it so everyone has their own, if people who arent straight get a month (With days for themselves) then add a day and make it straight pride day, that way no one is left out, and no one is forced into a role they dont ask for.Beemberjams
ah im straight too it's ok. It has nothing to do with your personalityBCManimator
@Bad_One aaa thchgv thank @LEON yeah, I get that. But I’m not really like that. Eeeee @abcdceese mhm. I gotcha.abcdceese
I don't think people are angry for people being straight, it's when straight people try to get things like "straight pride parades" that things get hostile. Just don't be a cunt and hopefully sane people won't be a cunt.LEON
bro no ones gonna hate you for being straight its this kind of "im sorry for existing im evil" kind of behavior everyone hatesBad_One
No one is going to Judge you here for being straight. UwU