I kinda want to complain

By Frost

So, one of the girls at art camp does these things: dissing everything I say, but nobody else, judges everything I do/say, ignores me half the time if I tell her something, but she doesn't do this to anyone else, not even the teacher. Like, today I said I was gonna be disappointed when animal jam was gonna die, then she randomly said "I don't like animal jam", then went on a whole rant of why it's so awful. Like, I get it's her opinion and all, but she doesn't have to be rude when she judges things that I like. Like, excuse me, miss 12 year old, you don't have to dis EVERYTHING I like ya know. She's fricking snobby towards me and my everyday happiness, and I'm always being nice to her, to see if she'll be nice back. The first day at art camp, we were water coloring, and she started using salt on hers, because it helps makes thing pop out; then, randomly, without my permission, she threw salt on paper, and, I didn't mean to, but I snapped, by whispering :Please, stop", like, you don't do stuff to other peoples art without permission, like, that's disrespectful :/ Sorry to complain, but oh my flipping god, I'm so glad tomorrow is the last day I ever get to see her ;-;

  • Published June 20, 2019, 13:32
  • in Kiddie Pool
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