People are parting ways, I am joining the full on stick community, I have talked with Kensei, Oxob, Hyun himself, and a few other greats, now it is time, for the rise of Toaa....
Anyways, alot of you are I bet are thinking, what's Toaa doing behind closed doors, wait doors, Ohh you mean Doors5, Yep, that's what Toaa's been up to hm........
Well see ya around when Doors5 gets posted in March, hope I'm in there it's a hour long I heard. kdjaskdsajkldslkdaslkdjlkdsdsdasads-dasdssdadsadasdsaWHAT m8
also im putting in goodplace so you all can hear me >:)
@drumcat okdrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator that’s a noTheMaineAnimator
@drumcat okdrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator anything uniqueTheMaineAnimator
@drumcat okdrumcat
@TheMaineAnimator sounds genericTheMaineAnimator
@drumcat then kill you in your sleepTheMaineAnimator
@drumcat give hugsdrumcat
What do they do