Expiration Dates


I don't like expiration dates. It's a time where something is better gone than around. Everything around us has an expiration date but we don't always know how close that date is. I don't want to expire, and I don't want to feel expired. I try to stay relevant or with my friends because they make me feel like I still got time before that happens. I know I'm using a beacon of pride, motivation, and chaotic smiles, but even I get sad or moppy when I have no one to talk to. A lot of people around you are too shy to talk and feel left out even though they want to join in. Don't let them feel expired, ask them something recent they did such as how they did x on an art piece or how their day was. Even that little question gives us hope that we aren't expired yet. I haven't felt motivated to draw but I always lurk on Drawn because I know I have friends on here who really need to hear even just a comment on a post or just appreciation in DMs.

Everyone has a breaking point, a point in which they feel like their date has come. Don't let them drop that low and check in on them, even if you barely know them.

I'm also totally kinda sad no one joined the Dragonite Academy yet because I put a lot of effort into it and I'd love to share it with all of you. So, I may start a little drawn comic on things that happen on there for those who don't want to join but are interested.
I mean you can totally come on to chill with us and not RP or anything.

but yeah..
expiration dates.
I dont like them

  • Published Published August 21, 2020, 13:36
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Rosemotions
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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