

Sorry I advance if this comes off as rude, as that's not my intentions. But, the economy that needs money from the American economy, Is the American economy. Constantly supporting economies that can't support us back leads to the US loosing money, and prevents actual issues in foreign economics to be solved. If a foreign economy cannot sustain itself without the American economy to heavily prop it up, then it’s an economy doomed to fail. I understand why most people think of it as a good thing when America supports countries that are worse off, and when we can afford to do it, I do agree that it's something we should do. But when the government has a massive spending problem, can't stop taking money from social security because of this issue, and all while we’re on an economic downturn because of a global pandemic, and we have a massive debt that we need to start work on reversing- Then I think it's fair to say that we need to solve our own issues before solving someone else's. Though, Thank you for your input on the discussion! I do appreciate you sharing your opinion, regardless of whether I agree with it or not.

  • Published March 31, 2021, 19:26
  • in Anonymous
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