I'm not gonna tell yall which song it is, but it's 3 minutes long and I swear this is going to take a LONG time to make... I already spent 1000 koin on it to get the audio to motivate myself to do it, even though I know I can just refund it lol. That's gonna be my very first animatic, tho, and I'm pumped to finish it. The only thing is... I still have school, and I know I'm probably failing most of my classes due to no motivation and extreme procrastination. So will I make this animatic? Yes, yes I will. Will it take a long fucking time? Yes, yes it will. Will I probably go through living hell trying to get it done? Most definitely. But I've been wanting to make an animatic for a long time and now imma do it.
I only have 20 koin now qwq poor again, haha