Boy, these past 2 days were Weeeeeird. So yesterday, we did some chores for some guys. Max and I went to go pick up mushrooms from the basement of the inn for some little flying woman. The others went to go do something else but we all met back together when we were done and The Slayer was being The Sleeper as he was sleeping for most of it. When we all got together we went to the ‘Festival’ we played some carnival games, we got our fortune told and the fortune teller had some HUGE pants like, they were too big for him, they were like, comically large. But when we were done with that some SENTIENT CORN and A GIANT PUMPKIN came out of nowhere and we killed them. We got beat up badly but apparently that just happens every year. At the end of the festival we saw some stars and went to sleep.OH YEAH, I had a weird dream where I was a real boy, and there was a man, and then my dad was there, that was weird. Anyways today was wilder. We got up, had breakfast, and went to do more chores. Our first chore was to kill some crabs. There were crabs in the trees. I almost passed out because a crab hurt me very badly but I killed it in the end. And then we went looking for some brothers and we found them. The Slayer tried to make a deal of some kind but we still had to kill em, so we did. But afterwards me and the Rat girl, whose name is Yumona, did our little gig and I danced to Billie Jean. It was fun. And also Max is apparently a dog and a mushroom? He was a dog and then he said he was a giant mushroom piloting a dead corpse of an elephant guy. He also said he’d explain more tomorrow so I might understand more tomorrow. I might not, who knows. Anyways, this is Rinter Goobo, signing off. Goodnight .
np brokashew01
@Simblime thank youSimblime
im late af ;-;happy late birgfday
@TheBoiRaine @animationate @FreezingFlames thanks guys 👍kashew01
@FreezingFlames N0OOOOTheBoiRaine
ey happy birthdayanimationate
happy late birthdayFreezingFlames
Here's your birthday present, IM GONNA CRASE YOUR JAY'S!
You got lego?
Young 4everChez
L getting older common kashew L