Need help


I don’t know what to draw for my art challenge today I know I said I was leaving for a month I still am I’m leaving after tonight and I won’t be back on for a month but any ways I need some ideas for my art challenge here is a catogory I guess of what the options are 1 wolves 2 military 3 hooded figures 4 dragon? 5 I geuss any thing you can think of - I will only do easy ideas cuz I’m trying to work up to stuff that is a little bit harder so I will check my notifs for any comments so please comment and give me a idea please this excludes meowfoxlife Cuz of her blocking me and also if any one can messege her to tell her to unblock me that would be great cuz I have somthing to tell her and no it’s not somthing mean it’s somthing only one person on drawn besides me knows aka I told

  • Published August 09, 2020, 20:11
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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