Sometimes I kinda hate life, I’m kind of an so called “dramatic person” but actually I’m just really emotional... So now to say a few things about the people in this drawing.... Admirer: he often says I’m not human because of how quick I can draw things that would take him days. He’s nice and funny... Crush? 1: he’s a bit taller than me, and yes I think he’s kinda cute, but we don’t get along so well, if it comes to work, but other than that he’s okish.... User: She was a girl I met in 4th grade. She acted like a friend that would talk to me and hang out with me, but she would always force me to buy her poptarts and draw her even if I didn’t want to, and if I said no, she would always tell a teacher and get me in trouble, that’s why I almost failed 4th grade. But she’s not in the school anymore, thankfully... Fake? 1: she doesn’t often talk to me, and sometimes talks behind my back... idk what to say about her.... Fake? 2: when I asked her if I could join her chat with another friend of hers and mine she said, “ no, of course I’m not going to invite you!” And proceeded to give Faker 1 the code to join her chat group... I honestly don’t know what I did, because she looked so angry, and yet they still have the guts to ask me... “are you still working with us?” Like my god! Last but not least... Crush? 2: she can be kind and sweet but a few times she started to talk to me about sensitive parts of my life that I’ve told her about, and it’s not the first nor second time, it’s the 10th time....but for some reasons I still like her..... Anyways I’m gonna go hop to loser vill, I’ve been saying to much bye OwO 👋

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