OKI SO!...


So like, this virus got me coop up in my house with my crazy family and i feel like i am about to lose my sanity. SO, i gots news about drawn and the rejects and then my other arts accounts. Pretty much, i wont be drawing on here like every day, and the rejects thing is just gonna have to wait till this whole virus thing blows over. I am gonna put a time thing on the rejects as well- FOR ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT YET FINISHED THEIR REJECTS!! YOU HAVE TILL THE END OF JUNE! I am doing this cause people have had enough time to enter and still will, also i dont want to have to draw 256 peoples arts. I mean i would love to! But i have been struggling with lack of motivation. I draw here and there but i usually am drawing to either vent, cause i am bored, or just to take my mind off of things. So recently i made an tiktok account(No judgies) that is just gonna be full of my arts. My paper arts. It you want to you can join and hang out and stuff http://www.tiktok.com/@claywolfy_710 Anyways!! I think its important for all of us to just kinda take the time to recap and settle down a bit and just take back our sanity before we flip out and people go crazy. SO YALL STAY SAFE, HAVE FUN, AND WASH YOUR DIRTY HANDS!! KK, Loves y'all

  • Published April 28, 2020, 14:39
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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