

No, sushi isn't given based on who the mods like more. No, we have no guidelines for giving sushi because for a very long time there was no super secret mod chat. We are working to change this, because perhaps some of you haven't noticed but the Drawn server run by Jay has moved away from being based around Drawn the Website, rather it is now a server for people who don't know what Drawn is and who would like to just chat and share art, vent, etc. You could only imagine how frustrutating it is to not have any way of contacting the people you work with. When I am giving sushi, I am looking for people who are active and post colored art every so often. No I'm not saying you have to constantly produce Michelangelo-Tier paintings, that could make a grown man weep, rather just prove to me that you take pride in your work. Summed up Guidelines for the way I give sushi -active -has had a drawn account for at least a month -produces fully colored art every so often Yes, I haven't gotten around to giving all of you Sushi because for a very long time I have been a one man team. I have noticed lately that more of the mods have been active which I very much appreciate. Would also be cool if you guys could understand that Mods have lives outside of Drawn . Yes we have jobs here and some of us have jobs in real life or deal with schooling, etc. Also please dont publicly call out the mods who aren't active. Maybe it's just a nitpick of mine but I don't appreciate being told that I'm not active or that I never post because that is Very far from the truth.

  • Published February 06, 2020, 18:38
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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