Happy Valentines day! (read desc!)


Hia! I know it's late, but I would like you all to know, weather you had a partner or a friend to spend this holiday with? Does not matter. Valentines day is not just about loving a partner, but also loving yourself, loving what you do, loving your family and life. If you cannot love those things? Then know that I love you! And you all deserve love and happiness!! On another note, I want to specifically say I love you to my fiance Luka. Happy anniversary and happy valentines day mon amour. Three going on four years now, with ups and downs and through it all I will love you forever and always and to the moon and back. Your boyfriend/fiance: Fin <3 Have a lovely night/day everyone!~ I love you!

  • Published February 14, 2019, 23:17
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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