I'm burning wick to fingertip with sage From my shaky-shakin' hands Milly, what have you done to me My friend? I'm tossin' turnin' in an open grave Coined-tongued with whatever I can save Carrying hauntings of a brand-new age— Millie, can't you see I slide Planchettes with my wake? --------------------------------- Notes: Started this Piece in Astronomy class. Took 2 1/2 hours to complete. Definitely happy with how this one came out. it was fun to make Also, this was my first time properly trying to make my own dimensions for the drawing. Character: John Doe Inspirations: The Fool Tarrot card. It's a fairly good representation, reversed and upright, of the character. That, and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g28lgta5Ysc&ab_channel=Rabbitology-Topic the song which the lyrics come from. this and, as usual, their playlist:: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3KHWfF4KRtbqzfXQwskVBj?si