Contest Results!


*DISCLAIMER* All of the placing is FINAL and cannot be changed. I'm honestly sorry i couldn't give all of you first place. All of you did amazing work! 1. "Leafs" by Anadroj-B-J I have two questions, How the heck did you even..!? and which way is the wind blowing? 2. "aaaaaaaaa..." by Complex-Username Just...Really really nice, Kinda wish they used more colors. 3. "Falling Petal" by Athena97 Very nice, Although some effort can be seen, I would've liked a loop somehow. 4. "Hot Chocolate" By BLUBERRYSANS2 I love this one, It fits perfectly with the overall theme and is just very cute. I think maybe the tree could use some bark details and some branches would be nice. 5. "Winter Miracle" by TwixLovez Awesome peice a' work there. Nice use of color, I would like to see a teeny bit more detail on the face. (nose, eyebrows) No wait don't leaf! There's more! :D 6. no title by Im-not-flamingo Very pretty, Anatomy is decent. Could've used more background details. 7. "falling for you" by sandyBeepis I like the colors. 8. "Native American" by Small_Radishes I love this one, Although the colors and anatomy could use a little work. 9. "Dino" by Dragonanimations Very cute! The colors in the background are a bit bright. 10. "Leaf" by Skyrock Colors are excellent. However, It is not entirely symmetrical. The stem is unnaturally thick. I will give out the prizes slowly throughout the next week if I can! I thank you all for entering the contest! Have a nice day!

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