i cannot get over


how amazing thayne jasperson is. hes an adorable and handsome choir boye his acting skills are insane the way he plays nine yr old philip hamilton IS SO CUTE OMG HE EVEN RAN UP THE STAIRS ON ALL FOURS AAAA he was wearing a michael jackson shirt when i met him he complimented me on my costume (all the cast members i met did, but its so amazing coming from the big qt thAyNE) the way he sings is angelic(aaaaa) hes hilarious he wrote on his twitter that (at our performance) he dropped eliza's rings during their wedding backstage he needs lin's help to rap, which i think is adorable he was in high school musical lmfao "Hear ye! Sixteen tony nominations for Hamilton!" http://pm1.narvii.com/6443/5fea61536a2078a43985e2199eddc388e1aba2fa_00.jpg HIS VOICE IS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Lin says, "Thayne just walked into my dressing room at the intermission spouting nonsense!" he likes food https://cm1.narvii.com/6883/c643b2b3db29d03b22297c03823db09e0cc7c44d_375.gif you tell me whats going on here https://www.google.com/search?q=thayne+jasperson+gifs&sa=X&rlz=1CAPQVW_enUS719US719&biw=1245&bih=628&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=k2paI8z7-i_-nM%253A%252CgD9GjYXli8jJnM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kQuBZbimT0TF6DCOPb7dNmg7oM7Uw&ved=2ahUKEwichIzV29bfAhUjVt8KHVIQBU4Q9QEwAXoECAMQBg&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=Ekn61d37XTFpVM: this is... https://img.ksl.com/slc/2620/262046/26204613.jpg?filter=ksl/img614 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa two big qties whAT https://i.pinimg.com/originals/25/08/90/2508905dfb6bbc9d6b9964f32c1f775b.jpg okay i, uh i think im done now lmfao enjoY!

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