i went to look at something on toonator, it was a discord related thing and it actually worked?? it wasn't blocked?? so i typed "" into google and it also worked?/ like? in not tripping !! i want to use it so bad but im worried my parents will find out and block it again because it was probably an accidental change but i just?? im happy i can touch discord? this is the first time i've ever seen discord in my life on my own computer screen an im?? im just exited
i want to use it but again what if they find out and re-block it?
if they do, i kinda wanna fight them about how i want privacy and i want to interact with more people on the internet and other stuff that i want to tal kabout so badly but i dont have the guts to but... theyd whoop my ass if i did that and stuff and im a pussy but.
ugh im sad now because i brought up thoughts
mmfuck nowhestauntingme