So uh


i wanted to be a good boi and do all me assignments and projects properly from now on, i just realized it when i got sore throat and a runny nose and also my body hu rt s. lol it's so weird ikr.

i wanna do it because internet is consuming me, i even got lazy of doing my assignment just to wait for my girlfriend(i don't blame you btw), i also remember thinking of what to animate later and try to animate it in my head,(and of course, the result of the animation i did turned out terrible than what i imagine) it was a moment in school tho, imagining instead of listening lmao

my body hurts a bit, not that bad
i just tried to keep on doing the things that is important like doing my project that is already finished. Then the pain(physically) disappeared a lil

a'ight that's all i can say for now ;-;
if u made it through the end then u awesome i wuv u

  • Published Published November 22, 2018, 09:30
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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And why would I rant you


......You forgot the nose